Sunday, April 18, 2010

Welcome to Susan's farm

This was a very nice day  for our chick meeting Susan is one of our newest members and she invited us to visit her farm and for a lunch meeting. We met her fiber goats, rabbits  & llamas.  What a treat to see her studio where she teaches fiber dyeing, weaving & spinning.   As you can see the chicks loved the outting. We are truely blessed to have such talented and crafty farmgirls in our chapter. Susan is just one of the 10 charming gals in our growing chapter. Thanks Susan for having us over for lunch & farm visit.

Friday, April 16, 2010

The Spirit of the Farm girl

Today, I felt the true "Spirit of being a farm girl" as our small chapter met at Gail's for a lunch of home made chili and cornbread.
Not long ago our chapter of 3 members was struggling to maintain a membership because sadly two of our members chose to leave our chapter. I say not long ago because it was last week that we were joined by two other very interested gals who saw our charming chicks calling card posted and called to inquire as to what we did. April Johnson and Marygail Baker joined us as our two newest members making us a chapter of 5.
Happy to have a growing group, we planned a laundry soap making party, and a sharing of our stories, and things we hoped to accomplish as a chapter.. Quickly the word spread and in the "spirit of the farmgirls" we were blessed to have 3 more farm girls come to our meeting. Gail's table was full and overflowing as we chatted and laughed and shared our meal together.
My heart swells with pride and beats a new song tonight as we are now a group of 8! We welcome Robin Kendall, Julie Maness and Joanne Johnson with open arms. A Dream coming true for us. Each of us has our own story to tell of why we are Farmgirls and how it is a 'condition of the heart'. We feel like real sisters at only one meeting all sharing a common bond.. We have made plans to give back to our community by Crocheting, Knitting or Sewing Chemo Caps for local Cancer patients. The charming chicks will meet November 20th at my house for lunch again. A time for friendships to grow and the true Spirit of farmgirls Getting things we plan for other projects and just farmgirls having fun.
Proud to be A Mother Hen.