Monday, June 10, 2013

It's Been A While

It had been far too long since we've been together doing the things we so enjoyed. Our last get together however, was with a few of the girls at the Victorian Tea Party held at MaryGails home on May 18. It was so good to see everyone again. As always, MaryGail puts on a feast you didn't want to miss. Mary brings out her fine china and puts out tons of delicious food. She even throws in a few fun games, with April's help, that we play for some lovely prizes. This is such a fun time to dress up Victorian and bring out the 'lady' in each of us and just get together and enjoy each others company.

While visiting among ourselves, we spoke of getting our group up and going again since we all seem to miss the fun and companionships we've made. I too would like to get back some of what we were doing.  As you all know we have had some gals move away, some have passed, and recently some have had surgery. With things beyond our control, we have not held regular meetings in some time. I hope to remedy this, once I am back on my feet and we can get together for some fun times once again.

For those who have contacted our group in the past, know that we will do our best to reach out to you when we are back up and going again.

Thanks go out to all who have hung in there with our group. It has been a wonderful, fun way of meeting women in our area of all degree and learning new things each time we are together.

I hope to start things up again some time in the Fall of this year. I know it seems far off, but everyone is so busy in Summer, and this will give myself plenty of time to recuperate.

Until then, stay in touch with each others. Friends are what we all need because its so much more fun with them.

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